Tax Tips for Seniors

How to Maximize your return Filing taxes on your own is complicated. But, hiring a professional to do it for you isn’t always worth the extra expense. It’s a good idea to avoid an audit, but it may not be in the budget to give […]

Staying Strong

A Guide to Senior Fitness The new year is a good time to get fit. But when joint pain and other aches ail you, it’s hard to commit to a healthy new fitness regimen, regardless of your age. Whether these joint pains are to do […]

Dental Care As We Age

As we age, our bones lose density and become more brittle. It’s also not uncommon to get sick more often and stay sicker for longer. Oral health is no different than any other physical health conditions for seniors; being older simply increases risk. But what […]

Senior Story: Get to Know Your Aging Parents

As we age, family dynamics change. We may care for the parents who once cared for us. Or, now that we don’t crave their guidance, they may not know how to be a part of our lives. It’s normal for parent-child relationships to evolve. At […]

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When to Stop Driving

Giving up driving, alternate transportation, and having those tough talks Driving gives individuals a sense of independence — just ask the 16-year-old who passed their driver’s test for the first time. However, the reverse is also true. Losing driving privileges can feel a lot like […]

Planning for Retirement

Retirement should be a blissful time when you’re able to explore new hobbies, travel, and spend time with family free of the constraints of work. However, if you don’t save properly, you could find yourself pinching pennies in your golden years, passing on pricey activities, […]

Lifelong Learning

By Copper Williams The opportunity to learn never diminishes. It’s a constant and incredible force that propels us toward an ever-changing and promising future. The more we know, the more our eyes open to a world of possibilities. But as we grow older, we sometimes […]

Decoding POA's

By Nora Heston Tarte There are a lot of misconceptions associated with a Power of Attorney. Trying to understand the who, what, when, where and why of the legal document that allows another person to act in your place when you are unable is a […]

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Less Is More

By Melissa Hutsell The elderly population is reaching an all-time high as the baby boomer generation fades into the golden years. With aging comes several questions concerning the best means of care including medication, frequency and dosage. When it comes to this particular topic, according […]

The Good Life – Planning for Retirement Guide

A Special Advertising Section Throughout their lives, your parents have worked hard to raise you, to provide for the family, and through thick and thin, they’ve always been there for you. But now you’re an adult, and it’s finally their time to kick back, relax, […]