The perfect indoor botanicals to fit your lifestyle
There’s something about a houseplant that truly draws a room together. Whether it’s a centerpiece on the dining room table, adding life to the corner of a room, or soaking up sunshine next to your bookcase—plants really do transform a house into a home. Some might even clean your air while doing so! We did the research and found our favorites among hundreds of unusual, and beautiful botanicals. Find your perfect fit in the following!
Boston Fern
Non-Toxic to Dogs & Cats
Take care of this temperamental beauty, and it will take care of you. Boston Ferns remove plenty of indoor air pollutants from your breathing space, such as benzene, xylene, and formaldehyde. They prefer a more humid climate and indirect light, so if your house leans towards the drier side, make sure to water frequently each week, and lightly mist the fern’s leaves with water. If your fern’s leaves are turning yellow, the humidity is too low. Fertilize only a few times each year.
Rubber Plants
Non-Toxic to Dogs & Cats
When purchased young, these gorgeous plants can be tailored to suit your household. They grow well in indirect or direct sunlight, and their size largely depends upon the pot you use to keep them. The smaller the pot, and the less sunlight they receive, the slower and smaller they’ll grow. Pop this lovely out and into the sunshine for short periods of time in a large pot for some serious growth spurts. Like the Boston Fern, the Rubber Plant is perfect for removing formaldehyde from the air. Keep the soil moist and wipe down the leaves with water from time to time, and you’re good to go!
Non-Toxic to Dogs & Cats
Who couldn’t use a little more luck every now and then? Bamboo is great for those who like a good-looking plant, with little hassle. They prefer to sit on your desk in bright, indirect sunlight, and can be left to its own devices in nothing, but a pot of pebbles and water. Word of caution, though! Bamboo doesn’t like chlorine found in our tap water. Use bottled or distilled to keep this beauty strong. Fertilize very sparingly, and every other month at most.
Prayer Plant
Non-Toxic to Dogs & Cats
Another high-humidity lover, the Prayer Plant loves bright, indirect light and well-drained soil. Keep its planter moist and mist the leaves with warm water. Fertilize and add warm water to its soil every two weeks. It will need to be re-potted in early spring, but your efforts will be rewarded with cuttings that can be used to create new, little plants.
Aloe Vera
Toxic to Dogs & Cats
A most forgiving plant when it comes to watering, Aloe Vera enjoy wider pots and well-drained soil to prevent root rot. They prefer indirect sunlight, and do well in artificial. When watering, soak the plant completely through, but allow it to dry a minimum of 2 inches deep to keep it healthy between watering. The best part? Aloe Vera’s gorgeous leaves can be used to alleviate pain from sun burns and scrapes! Now that’s a plant that likes to give back.
Spider Plant
Non-Toxic to Dogs & Cats
One of the heartiest plants you’ll own and aptly named for the smaller versions of itself dangling off the main plant! Spider plants enjoy well-drained soil and a good soaking, but need to dry out a bit between watering. They thrive in indirect sunlight, and their tiny flowering tendrils eventually turn into baby spider plants, that can eventually be cut and used to produce more plants. Re-pot them only when they’ve outgrown their container, which is indicated by the large roots poking out from the soil.
Peace Lily
Toxic to Dogs & Cats
This plant is perfect for novices. Not only does it bloom indoors, it will also remove harsh air pollutants such as benzene, and provides a little more humidity to the air all on its own. The Peace Lily prefers moist soil, and will need to be re-potted annually. Keep an eye out for brown leaf tips, which are an indicator of too much light. Fertilize around six to seven weeks in winter.
Mild Irritation to Dogs & Cats
One of the fussiest and most delicate plants you’ll ever have, Orchids are hard to keep alive, and even harder to bloom. But when they do, they are a sight to behold. Strong, and indirect sunlight is a must, along with high humidity. Orchids require a soaking in their shallow pot, and need to dry out a bit between watering. Mist your orchid with warm water daily, and fertilize weekly while young. Once mature, fertilize every other month. Do not fertilize during dormancy season. Re-pot your Orchid every other year.