“Reuse, Recycle, Replay” Play it Again Sports Gears Up for Spring

By Alexandra Krueger

In honor of Earth Day this month, it’s fitting that we feature a store that not only encourages recycling but thrives off it. Enter Play It Again Sports, the sports equipment one-stop-shop that’s got everything you need to amp up your golf game, exercise routine, or just to get the best deal on your child’s sports equipment.

“Baseball, fitness, and golf equipment are our core items,” says Blair Unterseher, owner of the Play It Again Sports Stockton location. “From there we’re really seasonal. We’ll be selling winter gear in fall and then gear for water sports in spring.”

At Play it Again Sports, they not only sell gently-used, quality sports equipment—they encourage you to sell yours as well. “We buy used gear!” emphasizes Blair. “While we do sell new equipment, we specialize in recycling used-sports gear.”

In fact, if you’re looking to recycle your used sports gear, you have a few options: you can either sell your used sports and fitness equipment, trade your gear, or just simply contribute your items so that they may be donated for the benefit of the community, local sports teams, or schools. Either way you choose to do it, taking your gear to Play it Again Sports is the greenest way to get rid of used equipment that’s either collecting dust in your garage or taking up space in your child’s closet.

Thinking you’d like to sell? Play it Again Sports will typically resell used items for around 40-60 percent of what they would sell for new. That means 30-50 percent of that profit goes in your pocket, leaving your wallet thicker—and garage cleaner—than when you came in.

If you’re in need of some new gear to replace the old, a trade is the best way to go. By trading against your purchase, you create your own discount so you can go home with that shiny new club you’ve been eyeing for far less than the original price.

Play it Again Sports will make sure your gear doesn’t end up in a landfill. For years, they’ve taken old equipment and made sure that it was played and played again.

“I love dealing with sports, so it worked out well that I ended up here,” says Blair. “With the recycling movement that’s going on, there’s no better place to get rid of old equipment.” And, come up on some quality new gear, too!

Join Team Green:
Play it Again Sports

828 W. Benjamin Holt Dr., Stockton
(209) 474-1944