Goodstock Makes Good

By Copper Williams

Photo By Aly Montez

Goodstock makes an impact on its community, one event at a time.

Don’t let the website fool you. While Goodstock Productions would like you to believe that they’re all about Stockmarkets and Style Swaps, art showcasings, and putting on pretty sweet events in general, that’s just a facade. The truth? The Goodstock girls are in the business of making dreams come true, and have been doing so since 2015.

Amy Sieffert and Anne Wilcox know their city from the inside-out. After all, they’re Stockton natives. And while the duo spent the early parts of their careers honing their skills, the ladies always had their sights set on how they could help in planting the seeds to transform their hometown.  

“We’re an events company, but more than that, we are trying to support the community and the people in it,” says Amy. “We work with a lot of arts groups and people who want to do great things in our community. We want our events to have something bigger behind them.”

Stockton residents couldn’t have been happier, and Goodstock’s first official event, Stockmarket, became more than a one-hit wonder. As a curated marketplace, Stockmarket brings the best—in vintage and handcrafted items, local musicians, and superb eats—from around the region on a near-monthly basis. “We have flea markets [in our area], but it’s not quite the same,” says Amy.

“So, we built on creating things that we wanted to see,” adds Anne. “Something that would benefit the city in some way.”

Amy and Anne’s efforts have continued to unfold, highlighting local creators and venues that don’t get the attention they truly deserve. “Some of the most rewarding aspects of our work are seeing our vendors follow their dreams,” Anne grins. “Cast Iron Trading Co. started at Stockmarket; now they have a restaurant in downtown Stockton—and we got to be spectators of that success and growth.”

But Stockmarket is only a small piece of the ever-evolving picture that is Goodstock. “We’ve [worked] with the Haggin for a three-part series called Evening in the Archives,” Anne explains. Items from the archives were selected and paired with someone who was keeping the craft alive, providing attendees with educational and interactive demonstrations.

“One of our most frequently requested events is our Style Swap,” Amy laughs. “We gather contributions from ladies in the public who will attend the event weeks ahead of time. And for only fifteen bucks, you’re given a large bag to go through our ‘pop-up shop’.” With mimosas and crazy-chic items up for grabs, Style Swap allows women to enjoy themselves, but also give to a good cause.

“’After all the guests left with full bags, we were still able to donate thirty-five bags to the Women’s Center!” says Anne.

Goodstock’s efforts have even been noticed by City of Stockton, who requested they put on a five-day event in conjunction with Stockton Arts Week. “We brought in different artists and performers each day,” Anne describes. We had everything, from poetry, dancing, music, live painting. Even 3D Paper Art.”

While Amy and Anne continue to bring their incredible events to our county seat, their aspirations are always just a little bit higher. “’We love doing events, but we want to work with people to bring their dreams to reality—not just our own ideas. That may sound cheesy, but it’s true,” says Amy.

Anne agrees.
“Seeing their dreams come to fruition, and knowing we made a difference in some way. It’s really satisfying.”

Check out Goodstock’s Next Exciting Event!
Party Gras: Cajun. Grub. Cocktails
February 10th, 7 – 9 PM
Deliberation Room, 19 N. California St., Stockton

Mardi Gras has found its way into Stockton’s historic downtown district, and everyone’s invited! Enjoy a local spin on this carnival celebration at the Deliberation Room, with Cajun cuisine crafted by A Moveable Feast, specialty cocktails served up by the Deliberation Room, live Samba Dancers, DJ-curated jams, and more!

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