Begin with a marshmallow. You know; those bright-white puffballs you hang over an open fire, or watch disappear into your cocoa on a cold night. Now, add the imagination of Heather and Jennifer Frades, sprinkle in an experimental afternoon in the kitchen, three years of experience, dozens of test batches, and voila! You have over 70+ mallow flavors that have become the highlight of parties in San Joaquin.
The Rustic Puff, a gourmet marshmallow making business, began in 2013. It’s the brainchild of Jennifer and Heather, and the outcome of inspiration sprouted from a book Jennifer found about creating marshmallows. “She brought it home to me and said she was going to try and make them,” Heather smiles. “I thought she was crazy, but she did, and they were fantastic!” As a wedding and event planner, Jennifer offered the treats as favors and their popularity swelled.
The Rustic Puff calls local venues such as StockMarket and Say It With A Box home. More of its rotating inventory can be found online, where customers can make purchases large and small. When asked what their favorite flavors are? “Personally, I love the Peanut Butter Delight and the Buttered Popcorn. I love anything that blends peanut butter and chocolate,” says Heather. Jennifer’s love lies in the Toasted Coconut. “The coconut water gives this marshmallow such a delicious, sweet coconut flavor,” she smiles sweetly.
And how are these delightful mallows crafted? It all begins in the kitchen, where the Marshmallow Chef combines a variety of base ingredients according to the mallow flavor. After mixing, boiling, and stirring away—Jennifer is left with an aerated marshmallow cream that’s poured into large trays and topped with powdered sugar. A day later, the puffy masterpiece is hand cut and packaged!
But The Rustic Puff doesn’t stop at creating tasty treats! They cater fondue fountains, s’mores bars, and fire pit parties! “Each of the parties can be fully catered, or setup and tore down,” Heather explains. “Our fire pit parties can have two to three hostesses present during the event to keep the fires stoked, and the marshmallows flowing. Or, we can come setup the pits, chairs, tables, and product so that you can enjoy them at your leisure. When the party is over, we come out and clean it all up.”
Whether you’re looking to try a unique twist on the mallows you love, buying that perfect date night snack, or prepping for an unforgettable house party—trust The Rustic Puff to take the fun up to eleven in both flavor and presentation!
Find Your Fav Flav At:
The Rustic Puff
(888) 365-0904