Just because you live in a small place, doesn’t mean that you can’t bring in a taste of nature. In fact, adding a splash of green to your small outdoor space can make it feel bigger. Get the most out of your close quarters by carefully selecting what, and how, you want to grow.
Blossoms And Vitamin C In One Tree
Dwarf fruit trees are the perfect space saving solution. Although you can get dwarf fruit trees that produce almost every fruit imaginable, choose one that thrives in your area—like citruses—that serve many purposes. Varieties like dwarf Meyer Lemon and Kaffir Lime thrive in pots and are particularly fragrant.
Turn Your Window Box into A Fruit Basket
A window box doesn’t take up floor space and is perfect for growing fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Plant strawberries in the summer months, when the golden California sun ripens them perfectly! And munch sweet morsels straight from the plant.
Make A Living Wall
Vertical garden walls are all the rage right now. And you can easily achieve this look, created by garden designers, with wooden pallets. Flip the pallet on its side and fill the interior space with soil. Or, buy ready-made fabric planters that can hang from a fence. Flowering vines are a particularly easy way to create a living wall, especially in sunny California. Simply make a wooden frame for the wall, and then stretch wires across it. The vines will do the rest.
Stop and Smell The Roses
Roses love to grow in pots, making them perfect for small patios or rooftops. They are also an excellent choice when considering aesthetics, due to their fragrant aroma and long flowering season that lasts through the summer. Roses love the sun, so make sure to place them in a spot that receives at least 5 to 6 hours of sunlight a day.
Pots, Pots, Pots, and More Pots
Make paths or intimate areas in your small garden by arranging pots in clusters or lines. More pots can mean more varieties of plants, as you can customize their individual soil and sunlight needs. But if you’re especially pressed for space and can fit only a few pots, create stunning arrangments by combing different plants that have similar needs.
Understanding Pesticides
July 8 & 25, 10:30 AM – Noon
Robert J Cabral Ag Center, 2101 E. Earhart Ave., Stockton
Join the UCCE Master Gardeners of San Joaquin County for talks focused on garden pest control. Find out how to manage pests and prevent them from eating your plants.
Cool Seasonal Vegetables
Aug. 12, 10:30 AM – Noon
REI, 5757 Pacific Ave., A105, Stockton
UCCE Master Gardeners of San Joaquin County showcase seasonal vegetables to plant this summer, and throughout the year, at The REI store in Stockton.