Stress & Your Stomach

Unreasonable deadlines. Being stuck in traffic. Having too much to do and not enough time to do it in. Most of us are familiar with these kinds of daily stresses that get our heart racing and our stomach churning. But what are the real effects […]

Sex as a senior can be spectacular

Challenge those who say you reach sexual prime in your 20s. For many seniors, satisfaction is increased as they age. The Mayo Clinic cites factors such as less distractions, more free time, increased privacy, and reduced fear of pregnancy for contributing to more enjoyable sex […]

Braces for Everyone

While braces are typically associated with kids and teens, more and more adults are seeking orthodontic care later in life to improve their confidence and overall dental health. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, one in four orthodontic patients is an adult. One explanation […]

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Excessive screen time can cause digital eyestrain

Staying up late watching videos on an iPad, an eight-hour workday in front of a computer screen, countless hours spent reading emails, text messages, and daily news on a smartphone—our eyes are taking the brunt of our digital lifestyle, resulting in headaches, blurred vision, dry […]

Home hacks for staving off symptoms

Spring seems to be the most popular time of year for allergy sufferers—although many experience allergy symptoms year round—and some of us will do just about anything to relieve the itching, sneezing, and watering eyes that plague us when introduced to an irritant. Below we’ve […]

Health looks different this year

Balance for mental health, flexible fitness routines, and less drinking? What does wellness mean in 2021? When the world as we knew it flipped on its head caused by the pandemic, people were facing situations they’d never seen before. While a new sense of normal […]

Depression Busters

If you or someone you know is suffering from symptoms of depression, you’re not alone. According to Mental Health America, the number of youths diagnosed with severe depression and the number of adults with suicidal ideation are both increasing. The pandemic certainly has also had […]

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The “doctor’s in” has become the “doctor’s online”

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic last year, San Joaquin County health professionals have urged patients not to neglect regular appointments or other health concerns for fear of the virus. Instead, they’re encouraging patients to take advantage of virtual medical appointments. Sound like the […]

54 Things We Learned in the Pandemic

Encouragement comes in many forms. Locals made a habit out of leaving hopeful messages along sidewalks with chalk or on kindness rocks throughout the community, inspiring neighbors through socially-distanced messaging. Blue-light blocking glasses just may work. With all of those extra hours spent staring at […]

Sustenance for more smiles

After the past year we’ve had, everyone could use a mood booster, and as the saying goes – you are what you eat. So, what foods can help you create a more positive mood? One of the best food groups you can choose to keep […]

Take charge of your own health

Second only to skin cancers, more American women are diagnosed with breast cancer than any other type of cancer, at a rate of 13%. That equates to 1 in every 8 women finding themselves with a breast cancer diagnosis at some point in their lifetime. […]

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