Whether it’s purchasing coffee for the stranger in line behind you, or handing a tissue to your seatmate on the bus when they sneeze, small acts of kindness pack power. A knowing nod for the woman who is struggling with a screaming toddler at the grocery store can turn her entire day around. Teach kids how to create smiles with these random acts of kindness kids can do on their own (or with a little help).
1) Donate toys no longer played with to a local shelter or daycare. Score extra points by doing the same thing with books to the local library.
2) Volunteer time at an animal shelter to walk dogs or keep them company.
3) Share the love at home by picking up a sibling’s chores without expecting a favor in return.
4) Share lunch with friends at school, especially someone who may have forgotten to bring lunch money that day.
5) Offer hugs and high fives to those having a bad day. (Beware of “stranger danger” rules, this act is best performed when a parent is present).
6) Vacuum the house without being asked.
7) Hand pieces of candy to bank tellers and grocery checkers.
8) Play meter fairy. Drop spare change in meters about to expire.
9) Hand a sticker to a crying toddler at the store.
10) Smile at people, just because.
11) Return a library book with a letter in it, telling the next reader what you loved most about the story.
12) Ask parents if you can give last year’s winter coat to a coat drive.
13) Save spare coins for a year. After 365 days have passed, cash the coins in and gift the full amount to charity.
14) When your birthday roles around, ask friends and family to donate money to a charity of your choice in lieu of giving gifts.
15) Visit a nursing home or vet’s center and just talk to the residents or members.
16) Do you have an elderly neighbor? Ask to mow their lawn… for free.
17) Leave uplifting messages anywhere you can think of like sidewalks (with chalk) or bulletin boards in the community.
18) Deliver a batch of cookies to the police department.
19) Give parents the night off by cooking dinner for the whole family.
20) Visit a children’s hospital to play games and hangout with kids there.