Compiled by Katie Kishi
Fun Independence Day Events
Stockton 99 Speedway Firecracker 100
July 2
Watch these racers zoom like firecrackers in this all-American event! Doors open at 5 PM and races start at 6 PM, followed by a booming fireworks show! Stockton 99 Speedway, 4105 N. Wilson Way, Stockton, (209) 466-9999, Stockton99.com
Stockton Ports vs Lake Elsinore Storm: Independence Day Fireworks
July 4
What better way to spend Independence Day than with America’s pastime? Spend the evening all-American, enjoying hot dogs, burgers, baseball and fireworks after the game. Also enter in an auction for a chance to win a Ports limited edition jersey. Banner Island Ballpark, 404 Fremont St., Stockton (209) 644-1900, Stockton.Ports.milb.com
4th of July Sunset Dinner & Fireworks Cruise
July 4
Spend the evening in nautical fashion as you take in the beautiful valley sunset along the San Joaquin River. Enjoy a dinner from Nenas while you relax on this patriotic cruise. Get your tickets now! Stockton Marina, 445 W. Weber Ave., Stockton, OpportunityCruises.com/july-sunset-cruise
Downtown Stockton 4th of July Fireworks
July 4
What enthusiastic showcasing of our American heritage would be complete without a few fireworks shooting across the horizon of the Delta channel? Enjoy all our port has to offer in this annual lightshow celebration like no other. Bring a blanket, picnic basket and some friends for fun like no other! Weber Point, 221 N. Center St., Stockton
Kiwanis Club of Greater Lodi’s Annual 4th of July Pancake Breakfast
July 4
Start Independence Day off right at Lodi Lake with a good breakfast! Enjoy all you can eat pancakes, music, and good company at this community-wide picnic from 7 AM – 11 AM. Stay longer for a day on the water, and wind down the evening with a fireworks show over the lake! Lodi Lake, 1101 W. Turner Rd., Lodi, (209) 368-5624, GreaterLodi.KiwanisOne.org
July 209 Agenda
1776 at Stockton Civic Theatre
July 1 – 10
Grab a ticket before this sensational performance wraps up! 1776 showcases the birth of our Declaration of Independence in a musical routine that includes our founding fathers, such as John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Richard Henry Lee, and Thomas Jefferson. Stockton Civic Theatre, 2312 Rosemarie Ln., Stockton (209) 473-2424, SctLiveTheatre.com
Red, White and Blues Festival
July 2
Get into the patriotic spirit by listening to some blues! Enjoy music from Blue Diamond Band, Darell Stanley, and the Silverlining Roharpo the Bluesman, and the Real Blues Band. This free community celebration also includes a beer and wine garden. Stockton Waterfront Marina, 333 Tuleburg Levee, Stockton
2nd Annual 4th of July Car Show
July 4
Come out for this all-American event featuring good looking cars, BBQ, games, raffles and more! This event is a free, non-alcoholic event, so bring the whole family! Think your car has what it takes to win? Register by June 20. The Bridge at Stockton, 703 E. Swain Rd., Stockton, (209) 477-4441, VisitStockton.org/Events
University Plaza Waterfront Hotel’s Annual 4th of July BBQ
July 4
Put your reservation in early, because this grand occasion brings families and friends in by the masses! Enjoy the fireworks set off across the Port of Stockton, all while munching down on some of University Plaza’s wondrous BBQ and amenities! Don’t let the fun fall away after the fireworks end with live music and more! University Plaza Waterfront Hotel 110 W. Fremont St., Stockton, UniversityPlazaWaterfrontHotel.com
Concerts in the Park at Victory Park
July 6, 13, 20, 27
Find a seat, plant yourself on a picnic blanket and pull out the food for a Wednesday evening filled with outstanding jams. Enjoy a night of Valley Concert Band, Swingaires, Would Be Famous, and Rick Webb during this summer long series. The fun begins at 6:00 PM! Victory Park
59th Stockton League Juried Exhibition
July 7 – Sept 11
Visit the Haggin and explore an incredible array of artworks by both local and leading artists from around the nation, hosted by the Stockton Art League. With more than 100 new pieces to peruse, your inner art aficionado will be in top form by the time your tour is complete. The Haggin Museum, 1201 N. Pershing Ave., Stockton (209) 940-6300, HagginMuseum.org
Stockton Food Truck Mania
July 7
Dive into tasty grub and support local food trucks at this monthly event. Send your taste buds on a tour with everything from Mexican food to Greek dishes, and enjoy live music, face painting and bounce houses. Oak Grove Regional Park, 4520 W. Eight Mile Rd., Stockton
Peter Pan & Wendy
July 7 – 8, 14-16
Changing Faces Theatre Company presents this comedy-adventure show. Enjoy games, food and wine beginning at 7 PM. Jessie’s Grove Winery, 1973 W. Turner Rd., Lodi, (209) 327-2754, ChangingFacesTheatre.org
Summer ArtSplash
July 8
This is a sight for sore eyes! Take a look at some art from downtown venues from 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM. Each ArtSplash site has a sign and map for self-guided tourists. Downtown Stockton
Summer Concerts at Stone Creek
July 8
Wind down the week with some free music from Fleetwood Mac! Concerts are held every other Friday through September from 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM. Nearby are several dinner options including Boudin SF, 5 Guys Burgers and BJ’s Brewhouse. Stonecreek Village, Pacific Ave. and Robinhood Dr., (209) 474-1634
USA Water Polo Golden State Invitational
July 8
Attention all water polo coaches! Register your team for this high level competition to end the summer or prepare for the Junior Olympics. This invitational is for Boys and Girls teams. Deadline to register is June 24. Cortopassi Aquatic Center at St. Mary’s High School, 5648 N. El Dorado St., Stockton, USAWaterPolo.org
Downtown Tracy Art Walk
July 8
Take a stroll into Tracy’s historic downtown streets and tour the amazing ensemble of artworks. Discuss the creative process with your favorite artists and purchase a new portrait or landscape painting for your home! Enjoy live music, visit the local shops and steal the night away with a smile! This event begins at 6:00 PM. Downtown Tracy, 209-831-6858, AtTheGrand.org/artwalk
Stockton Ports vs High Dessert Mavericks
July 13 – 16
Take me out to the ballgame! Come out to cheer on the Ports for this three game series. Wednesday is Bingo Night, Thursday is Thirsty Thursday with drink discounts, and Friday is t-shirt giveaway. Banner Island Ballpark, 404 Fremont St., Stockton (209) 644-1900, Stockton.Ports.milb.com
James Garner’s Tribute to Johnny Cash
July 9
Take a trip down memory lane! Celebrate the life of Johnny Cash with James Garner as he accurately recreates some of his biggest hits. Prepare to become nostalgic while you groove to the beats! Get your tickets before they sell out! Hutchins Street Square, 125 S. Hutchins St., Lodi, (209) 333-6782, Cashtribute.net
Hospice of San Joaquin’s Annual Recognition Dinner
July 14
Join Hospice of San Joaquin in recognizing community organizations and members who have supported it. Enjoy good food and celebrate with award winners on this special night. Stockton Golf and Country Club, 3800 W. Country Club Blvd., Stockton, (209) 466-4313, HospiceSJ.org/Events
San Joaquin Magazine’s Best Of Party
July 14
Put on your dancin’ shoes! Join us in recognizing the best local businesses and community members at our Best Of Celebration. Enjoy food, music, entertainment, and dancing as we celebrate those who make our community great! Get your tickets ASAP! Viaggio Winery, 100 E. Taddei Rd., Acampo, SanJoaquinMagazine.com
Lincoln Center USA Live
July 15
Spend your evening with local heroes who have served in the military, worked in law enforcement and fought fires. This event recognizes those who risk their lives to protect ours. Lincoln Shopping Center, 374 Lincoln Center, Stockton, (209) 477-4868, LincolnCenterShops.com
Downtown Tracy Block Party
July 15
Get to know your fellow community members at this city-wide party. Bring the family out to listen to bands and get your grub on. Come as early as 6:00 PM and leave as late as 9:00 PM. Downtown Plaza, 6th St., Tracy, Calendar.Ci.Tracy.Ca.Us/events
July 16
Find your locally crafted goods, foods and more right in downtown Stockton, San Joaquin, because the STOCKMARKET is where it’s at in gifts, rare finds and so much more. Enjoy live music, sample a wide variety of tasty treats and best of all? Have a ball with all your friends, both old and newly made alike! Downtown Stockton, 630 E. Weber Ave., Stockton (209) 323-4389, StockMarketca.com
July 16
Enjoy another grand reception of laughter, local restaurants and bottles of fabulous wines from across our Lodi appellation! In its 32nd year, Lodi Memorial Hospital’s SummerFest will host another stupendous auction of incredible artwork, wines and more. Purchase your ticket in advance before they’re sold out! LOCATION TBA
Friends of the Fox Present: The Sound of Music
July 17
Come watch this family friendly classic for free at the Bob Hope Theatre at 1:00 PM. This multiple Oscar-winning film will be sure to have you singing all week long! Bob Hope Theatre, 242 E. Main St., Stockton, (209) 373-1400, FoxFriends.org
Annual Bottle Shock Open Home Wine Competition
July 18
Get ready for another action packed, home brewed competition with this year’s 3rd annual Bottle Shock Open! Whether you’re squaring off against your fellow home brewers or simply intrigued at these personalized blends of wine you’ll be savoring the day to the very last drop! Viaggio Winery, 100 E. Taddei Rd., Acampo, LavaWine.org
NAIFA Central Valley Annual Charity Golf Tournament
July 18 – 19
Bring some sunscreen and help serve the hungry families of San Joaquin by wrapping your hands around a club and hitting a hole in one! This year’s 41st charity golf tournament will donate all proceeds to the Emergency Food Bank, providing you with ample opportunity to get out on the course for both fun and a worthy cause! Stockton Golf & Country Club 3800 Country Club Blvd., Stockton, NaifaCentralValley.org
Stockton Ports vs Modesto Nuts
July 18
Wave those Monday blues goodbye at the ballpark! Come watch the Ports and take part in #tweetfromyourseat night and receive discounted tickets for the season! Banner Island Ballpark, 404 Fremont St., Stockton (209) 644-1900, Stockton.Ports.milb.com
Full Moon Riders
July 19
Relax with an evening bike ride along the waterfront as you enjoy a view of the full moon! Meet in front of the downtown cinema and ride as casually or actively as you please. Riders are encouraged to bring bike tools, lights and helmets. Janet Leigh Cinema, 222 El Dorado St., Stockton, VisitStockton.org/Events

Micke Grove Food Truck Mania
July 20
Delve into deliciousness and support food trucks while you relax in beautiful Micke Grove Park. There will be live music and entertainment for the whole family to enjoy! Micke Grove Park, 11793 N. Micke Grove Rd., Lodi, VisitLodi.com/Event
4th Annual Farm to Fork Event
July 21
Central Valley is one of the most diverse agricultural lands in the world, yet many people don’t have access to healthy, locally grown produce. Come to this forum to learn about how we can provide more resources for everyone. San Joaquin County Fairgrounds, 1658 S. Airport Way, Stockton, VisitStockton.org/Events
DSB Mountain Bike & Sprint Triathlon 2016
July 23
It’s a beautiful day to get a little dirty down at Eagal Lakes. And that’s just what you’re going to do when you’re plowing through an 11 mile bike trail after taking a 400 meter swim through the lake. What’s not to love about riding the winding river levee, pedaling across loose gravel, and leaving dust along the hills of this track? Grab your gear and get your game face; it’s on at 7:00 AM sharp. Eagal Lakes, 12 W. Lorenzen Rd., Tracy (209) 640-425,2 EagalLakes.com
Paul Taylor & Friends at the Stockton Summer Jazz Festival Series
July 23
Enjoy the smooth performance of Paul Taylor, accomplished jazz saxophonist, in this year’s entourage of summer jazz. With talented accompaniment and nothing, but time for the mix of melodies at his fingertips, it’s a showcasing you and your friends won’t soon forget. Buy your ticket for $25 and be there at 2:00 PM. McLeod Lake Park, Stockton, Smaent.com
Elvin Bishop at Windmill Cove
July 23
Get ready to sing along with this talented musician for a night of blues and rock and roll. Elvin Bishop takes the stage with his old and new hits from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM. Windmill Cove Bar and Grill, 7600 Windmill Cove Rd., Stockton, (209) 948-6995, ElvinBishopMusic.com
Lodi Food Truck Mania at Hutchins
July 24
Wind down the weekend with family, friends and the community by enjoying some good food and entertainment. Come out every fourth Sunday of the month for tacos, gyros, garlic fries and much more! Hutchins Street Square, 125 S. Hutchins St., Lodi, VisitLodi.com/Event
Music in the Park
July 27
Come out to Hutchins Street Square in Lodi on July 27th for a show from Agent! Enjoy a picnic with friends and family while you enjoy live music. Concerts are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month through August beginning at 6:00 PM. Hutchins Street Square, 125 S. Hutchins St., Lodi (209) 333-6782, VisitLodi.com
The New Christy Minstrels
July 29
When you’ve got the music buried in your bones, it’s hard to stop strumming those strings! The New Christy Minstrels are returning to the stage for a summertime jam of epic proportions. Enjoy their pop-folk performance and a plethora of special guests that will have you leaning off your seat and ready for an encore. The show begins at 7:00 PM Hutchins Street Square, 125 S. Hutchins St., Lodi (209) 333-6782, HutchinsStreetSquare.com
Community Theatre of Linden Presents: Don’t Dress for Dinner
July 29
Get ready for a hilarious night as Bernard’s weekend plans with his mistress go to shambles when he realizes his best friend has a mistress too – Bernard’s wife! This show is bound to have you laughing! Community Theatre of Linden, 18527 E. Front St., Linden, (209) 351-0193, LindenTheatre.com
Bikes, Boats & Bikinis in Stockton
July 30
Take a turn down the Delta Channel and stop in for an afternoon of fun at Windmill Cove! Enjoy tons of fabulous food, live music and the chance to make some waves on the waterfront with friends. Tickets cost $10 per person and the fun begins at noon sharp! Make your way by boat or car and enjoy what San Joaquin’s summer offers! Windmill Cove, 7600 Windmill Cove Rd., Stockton (209) 642-8632
Taste of the Delta
July 30
Get a glimpse of the twisting channels that make up our beloved Delta by visiting with those who frequent them most! This year’s incredible showcasing of local wineries, restaurants and booths galore is aligned with the ever prevalent live auction, silent auction and live music for those who like to swing to the beat! Enjoy the festivities beginning at 1:00 PM! KOA Tower Park Marina 14900 West Highway 12., Lodi (209) 365-4673, TasteoftheDelta.com
ASA / USA National Championships
July 31
Register your team or come out to watch some high competition as softball players battle for the National Champion title. This is a pool play tournament with double elimination. Arnaiz Stadium, 3293 Morada Ln., Stockton, (209) 915-0035, TeamUSA.org/USA-Softball
Stockton 20th Annual Summer Bridal Event
August 3
Bring out the best in your big day by making it to Stockton’s premier summer bridal showcase, hosted by Morris Chapel and University of the Pacific Conference Services. Check out dozens of vendor booths, featuring food, drink and so much more. Enter to win a variety of fantastic prizes! This event begins at 6:00 PM. University Center Ballroom 3601 Pacific Ave., Stockton (209) 475-9161, BridalEvents.info