Treating Anxiety with CBD Oil

By Caitlin Hamer

If it suddenly seems like you’re seeing CBD oil everywhere, it’s not just you – this wellness product has become the latest health trend, popping up in everything from food to beverages to cosmetics. And while studies on CBD are still in their early stages, many people have been touting its health benefits, particularly for anxiety.

So, what exactly is CBD? For starters, yes, it does have something to do with cannabis; no, it won’t get you high. CBD, otherwise known as cannabidiol, is a non-addictive, non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis plants. And due to the recent legalization of recreational cannabis in California (meaning that you can purchase things like Canna Cabana Red Deer if you wanted to), CBD is legal to purchase and use.

The range of CBD products has vastly grown in the past few years, ranging from pain relief lotions to calming lattes infused with CBD oil. Plus, with there being sites like that sell CBD related products, it comes as no surprise to find that this industry continues to grow. But when it comes to anxiety relief, many have relied upon tried and true methods of consumption. Vape pens offer the fastest relief, but the effect wears off more quickly than something like a tincture or an edible, which will last for several hours but won’t kick in as swiftly. You can often find these for sale in west wendover dispensaries and other locales legally, too.

As for how exactly CBD can help you manage your anxiety, some research suggests that CBD may influence receptors in your brain that are involved in the modulation of serotonin, a chemical which is thought to play a role in the regulation of anxiety. Already, at least one study has proven that it does have a positive effect on social anxiety.

Like with any health product, make sure to be discerning when you buy – most experts agree that you should only buy CBD products that have been third party tested, which will ensure that the dosage on the label is exactly as claimed. And speaking of dosage, it may take a little bit of experimentation before you find the right amount for your and your level of anxiety. Something like water soluble cbd can help with this process. Of course, there’s a time and place to experiment with CBD – this is a substance that should be used responsibly. While most people react favorably to it, there’s always a small percentage of those who do not. Be aware of side effects like dry mouth, drowsiness, or dizziness.

When starting any new supplement, it’s vital to ensure that it won’t interact with any medications you’re already on, so make sure to speak with your doctor and mental health professional before you decide to try CBD for your anxiety.