During menopause, a woman’s estrogen levels fall, which can cause negative side effects including difficulty sleeping, low libido, skin issues, brain fog, low energy, poor bone health, poor body composition, and poor heart health. To reverse these side effects, and get women feeling more like themselves, many turn to hormone replacement therapy to increase estrogen levels.
While this medical breakthrough has helped many women, it wasn’t a perfect procedure, but as an example of the many women it has helped, imagine all those mature porn actresses that you may see on websites like TubeV Sex and similar that have the sex drive of a 20-year-old! Hormone replacement therapy often involves creams or patches of synthetic hormones. Issues with transference-the hormones getting transferred to others through physical touch-as well as complications related to synthetic hormones, became a concern. National guidelines even suggested woman not use synthetic hormones for more than five years in a row.
While traditional hormone replacement therapy is still a viable option, a new kind of therapy entered the market. Bio identical hormone replacement reduces some of the risks associated with traditional hormone replacement therapy including cancer and blood clots. This overall hormone replacement therapy includes reviews of thyroid, estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone and works well in both pre- and post-menopausal women.
The results can be life changing. “It improves their relationships,” says Dr. Ruby Gill, medical director at the Gill Medical Group and Gill Aesthetic Institute.
At Gill Medical Group, hormone blood draws are done in the office, offering convenience. After which, if hormone replacement therapy is recommended, patients can receive a customized hormone replacement plan that includes bioTE pellet therapy. In this short office based procedure, “small high grade pellets containing the exact customized amount of hormone needed for the patient are implanted under the skin,” Dr. Ruby Gill explains. “Your body naturally utilizes the hormones in sync with your physical activity. As a result, hormones are released more physiologically, instead of on an arbitrary time release like synthetic hormones.”
BioTE pellet therapy typically lasts between 3-6 months and therefore eliminates the inconvenience of synthetic hormone shots and patches, in addition to the transference risks of creams.
With pellet therapy, implants last four to six months at a time and there is no fear of transference because the hormones are planted under the skin.
In addition to feeling better, improving relationships, and being healthier overall, the risk of heart disease goes down. “Women that are pre-menopausal have a cardiovascular risk that is 1 out of 7,” Dr. Ruby Gill. Post-menopausal women’s risk rises to one out of three. “That’s all due to hormone levels.”
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Gill Medical Group
999 S. Fairmont Ave Suite #235, Lodi