Whether recovering from a minor procedure or major surgery, the process of rehabilitation is a crucial step for getting loved ones back on their feet.
But while it is often preferable if our loved ones can recuperate from home, extra care and monitoring are sometimes necessary to help assist in the healing process. Wagner Heights and Arbor Rehab are here to help you and your loved one as they transition into short-term rehabilitation care.
Creating a List of Potential Rehabilitation Centers
The first step to a speedy recovery is to ensure that your loved one enters the right facility that meets their needs. That search should begin on a local level, where friends and relatives can easily visit during their brief stay. For example, those in California may want to begin by looking for rehab in San diego and then the list of facilities should be narrowed down based on the quality of care. Arbor and Wagner provide a variety of services in their Skilled Nursing Facility and have a physician in the facility five days a week.
Comparing Qualities and Living Preferences
Once your loved one has composed their list of potential choices, you’ll need to help them whittle it down. Begin this process by contacting your state health department to request information on the quality of care provided at local care facilities. Survey findings on facilities can also be found at Medicare.gov/NursingHomeCompare. After reducing options, you’ll need to visit the center in person. Touring facilities is a great way to get a feel for the facility and gives families an opportunity to ask questions
Make an appointment to have an associate of the care facility guide you and your loved one around the property. At Arbor Rehab & Wagner Heights, an admissions coordinator will be happy to give a tour and explain services with no appointment needed. Discuss what needs your loved one will have during their stay and don’t be afraid to ask questions that deal with both your loved one’s medical care, and their personal well-being. You can ask questions about the therapy services offered, how often therapy is administered, and if the facility offers any additional education or caregiver training. Admissions coordinators can also assist in explaining insurance benefits.
Preparing for Admission
Once your loved one has narrowed their search, arrangements will need to be made for their stay. Prepare the names and information of all health care providers, remember to bring a copy of insurance cards and a copy of the Advanced Healthcare Directive if you have one, and emergency contact information for family members.
Remain in contact with the care facility as the final days arrive, and this will ensure a smooth and easy transition for your loved one!
For More Information:
Arbor Rehabilitation & Nursing Center
900 N. Church St., Lodi
(209) 333-1222
Wagner Heights Nursing and Rehabilitation
9289 Branstetter Pl., Stockton
(209) 477-5252