It’s not unusual to grind your teeth from time to time, especially in moments of stress, but consistent grinding can lead to trouble. Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, leads to painful symptoms and can create significant problems with oral health.
Cause: Teeth grinding doesn’t have a singular cause; however, many people find themselves grinding teeth in response to stress. In these cases, there may be flare-ups of the bad behavior when outside situations cause anxiety. What many may not know, however, is that existing oral problems such as an uneven bite, missing teeth, or crooked teeth can make people more susceptible to teeth grinding-stressed out or not. The last common culprit is a sleep disorder, as much teeth grinding happens during sleep. If any of these ailments plague you, seek help from the proper physician.
Effect: Grinding your teeth can cause facial pain and pain in the jaw as well as TMD or TMJ, headaches, earaches, poor sleep, and oral issues. For some, teeth wear down, become sensitive, and can even fall out as a result.
Solution: Want to put the kibosh on this bad habit?
General tips: Sometimes limiting caffeine intake can help. Cut back on foods and drinks with caffeine, such as coffee, chocolate, and soda. Alcohol is another culprit as many people who grind find drinking alcohol intensifies grinding. Avoid chewing on other items such as pens or even gum, which can lead to teeth grinding because the jaw becomes used to the movement.
If it happens while you sleep: Mouth guards are one of the more popular interventions used to limit teeth grinding. See a dentist to be fitted for a device. Sometimes using a warm compress against one cheek and in front of the earlobe on one or both sides before bed can also help.
If it happens when you’re awake: Sometimes breaking a bad habit just takes a little time. Train yourself not to clench. Placing the tongue between teeth can help to relax jaw muscles and limit clenching.
If stress causes grinding: Seek help. Either try to reduce stress on your own or see a professional. Stress counseling can help for those feeling particularly overwhelmed. Therapy or exercise programs are two other possible interventions for grinders.
If it causes missing teeth: Most people when they have missing teeth tend to get dental implants from places like Enhanced Dental Studios and use a retainer to protect them, this should help to avoid the grinding from happening again, meaning that these new teeth won’t get ruined.
Dr. Wheeler Orthodontics