We live in a “use it or toss it” society that leaves little room to teach our kids about the importance of caring for our environment, respecting and protecting our natural resources. Talking about how to examine value verses cost when it comes to both the environment and economics will help kids nurture a more thoughtful approach to our world. What can we do locally to start teaching our kids how to think green? We can instill green habits like involving our kids in green chores, conserving water, preventing litter, unplugging appliances, and turning off lights. The key to getting kids to pay attention is to make going green FUN!
Recycling. Even your youngest kids can collect and sort recyclables. Take the time to explain how recycling helps preserve the planet’s natural resources. Give your kids their own recycling bins to decorate and make it a friendly competition of who can recycle more, and give a green prize at the end of the week. Visit the North County Recycle Center & Sanitary Landfill to learn why garbage is a problem and how recycling helps. SJ Gov.org can direct you where to dispose of e-waste. Talk to your kids about how improper disposal of electronics can be harmful to human health.
Reuse/Donate. Recycling isn’t just about trash. Involve your kids in deciding what toys they are no longer playing with and which clothes they have outgrown. Goodwill is a great organization to donate your gently used toys and clothes. Find a location near you at goodwill-sjv.org. Thredup.com makes it super fun to teach your kids about going green. Send in the outgrown clothes they have selected, and they earn credits to pick out new clothes in their size. Upcycle Recyclables by turning a cereal box into a colorful floor puzzle, transform a tin can into a wind chime…the options are endless and craft time is the perfect opportunity to give your kids a lesson about recycling.
Pick your own. Buying from local farmers preserves farming as a livelihood. Take your kids to the Downtown Lodi Farmers Market in the summer and let them experience picking out their own fruits and vegetables. Take them to local farms like Phillips Farms and Dell’ Osso Farms, and show your children just how delicious foods taste when they are coming directly from the farm to your table.
The most effective way to teach your kids is to lead by example by demonstrating care for Mother Earth. Put into practice the New England proverb, “Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without” in your daily life.