Cuddle Therapy

Why snuggling with a loved one is good for your health

Look, it’s science. There’s a reason getting close with someone you care about makes you feel good. Whether it’s a significant other or another loved one, quality cuddle time has serious benefits. When you snuggle up with someone you like your body releases the hormones endorphins, oxytocin, and serotonin often referred to as “love hormones,” and these hormones have been linked to encouraging feelings of calmness, reducing stress, and lowering blood pressure. In fact, when oxytocin is released, cortisol (the stress hormone) is reduced.

“Human touch has a powerful effect on our lives. Throughout life, humans use touch to interact with others, display affection, seek support, and develop relationships,” says Amanjot K. Deol, MD, chief of behavioral health at Kaiser Permanente Central Valley. In fact, she adds, “touch stimulates tactile nerve endings in the skin.”

Some of the main benefits of cuddling include an overall better mood and less stress, but cuddling has been linked to other health benefits, too. Who would have thought that snuggling is physically good for your heart? Before you write it off as a stretch, think about the science behind the fact. If oxytocin is released during cuddling, and oxytocin lowers blood pressure, then your heart benefits. And while scientists have linked these benefits to both genders, there seems to be more evidence for women. After an injury or during an illness, cuddling can also eliminate or reduce pain by blocking pain signals to the brain. The correlation between cuddling and pain relief (including depression) is so strong that some doctors believe in producing a synthetic form to medicate people after an injury.

Physical and mental benefits aside, there are a lot of emotional benefits to snuggling close, too. Science shows that couples who hug, cuddle, and kiss often have higher levels of oxytocin in their blood and as a result are healthier and happier overall. Not to mention, time spent close together, including skin on skin contact, can help couples develop feelings of love toward one another.

“Total health is about mind, body and spirit. And human connection is a vital contribution to your total health,” Dr. Deol says.

Cuddling, however, is not only beneficial with your significant other. Science shows cuddling stimulates bonding between child and parent, and those who pet animals often report reduced feelings of stress, loneliness, depression, and illness, as well.

In the event that you do need a hug, but do not have your significant order to hold on to, you could hug your body pillows. A hug is a hug nevertheless, and holding on to a body pillow could replicate the sensation of hugging someone close to you. Thus, hugging your pillow could also fulfill the emotional element and help you sleep better, without the feeling of being overbearing to another human being. Customizing your body pillow too could help in this case. You could opt for various sizes of body pillows, or various types with different prints on them, such as Anime Body Pillows, or superhero ones for that matter. Remember, age is no bar to customize your pillow!

Benefits of Cuddling

Lower stress levels

Improved mood

Lower blood pressure

Better sleep

Stronger immune system

Increased feelings of calmness, trust, and security