We live in a crazy, fast-paced world. With the demands of work and family it is hard to imagine adding just one more item to our daily routines. Yet somehow, our area is blessed with residents who regularly find time to give back to the causes they hold dear to their hearts. Meet the team of Dr. Todd Franklin DDS. Once you have the opportunity to spend time with this talented group you will quickly realize the passion they possess.
Their recent project teams with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and their ‘Give Back A Smile’ campaign. Through the AACD Foundation, patients get their teeth professionally whitened by Dr. Franklin’s team for a donation of $150. One hundred percent of proceeds generated go directly to the AACD Foundation to help survivors of domestic violence get their smiles back, and maintain dental health. “We participated last year and were surprised that our efforts placed us third in the nation for total monies donated. This year we plan to continue the efforts and far surpass our total from last year,” says a member of the team. We can only imagine what this motivated team will be able to achieve over the next 12 months!
This is not the only project that this group supports. Throughout the year there are many organizations that hold a special place in their hearts. The 180 Teen Center is a recipient of much needed support over the course of the year. “Our youth is the key to a strong community. The 180 Teen Center provides a safe environment for activities and services that will help our teens succeed in life” said Dr. Franklin.
You will see the team out helping The Pregnancy Resource Center golf tournament this year. So many young women are supported through the efforts of the PRC. The new mobile unit is just one example of what community efforts can achieve!
At the start of this article, Dr. Franklin had just returned from a teaching trip to the East Coast. As the founder of the Pacific Aesthetic Continuum, a non-profit for dental education, he travels extensively throughout the United States training other dentists in all aspects of dental procedures. “The PAC was designed to provide world-class education to dentists across the country, utilizing a scholarship based system. This has allowed dentists to receive education through grants that otherwise may have been cost prohibitive,” explains Dr. Franklin. He then donates his time to organize Study Groups across the country, so that doctors can come together to share ideas and learn from each other. “I really enjoy the opportunity to help a fellow dentist and see their teams grow as a result of what we provide.” Do not worry about any grass growing under his shoes any time soon.
If you’d like to help save someone’s smile and get yours whiter in the process, support the efforts of Dr. Franklin and his team for the ‘Give Back a Smile Whitening’ campaign.
For More Information:
Todd A. Franklin, D.D.S.
(209) 334-4370