
Each year, people are challenged with the decision of whether or not to correct their smile and which method of correction to choose. With orthodontics, there are many different options available, and it’s important to speak with the orthodontist about the best choice for you. […]

Simmulation Mannequins

Kaiser Permanente provides an extraordinary training program for their medical staff to ensure quality performances with patient care and enhanced teamwork capabilities. According to Gigi Baniqued, Director of the Clinical Education, Practice, and Informatics Department at Kaiser Permanente, “The vision for the program is to […]

The Needle Niche

Most people have heard of acupuncture, either during casual conversation or as a suggestion for treating muscle pain. However, what some may not have guessed is that acupuncture treats a wide variety of ailments, including infertility and the struggle to lose weight. Acupuncture is derived […]

Bypassing Obesity

There’s no question that losing weight can be difficult. But what do you do when you have a lot of weight to lose? What if you need to lose it quickly? Most importantly, what if, despite all your best efforts to exercise and eat right […]

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