Meals on Wheels is the only federally supported program designed to meet both social and nutritional needs for seniors citizens. Locally, the Loel Senior Center assists with Meals on Wheels programming as well as the Human Services Agency of San Joaquin County.
1 in 4 seniors live along
Nearly 9.5 million seniors are threatened by hunger
7.1 million seniors live in poverty
$51 billion – how much malnutrition in seniors costs
83% of low-income, food insecure seniors DO NOT receive the necessary meals
5 – the number of meals received weekly for eligible seniors
$2 – the suggested contribution about per meal
2 – the number of nutritionists who review each meal
79% – the percentage of home-delivered meal recipients that are age 75 or older
2.4 million seniors benefit from Meals on Wheels annually
220 million meals are served nationwide each year through Meals on Wheels
8 out of ten seniors say they are more social because of congregate meals