If you’ve just had a baby, your body has gone through many changes in the past year. Trying to handle these changes while also taking care of your bundle of joy is a balancing act, to be sure. To make things easier, we sat down expert Debbie Maltbie, a registered nurse and director of maternal child services at St. Joseph’s Medical Center, here to answer some of the biggest questions new moms have regarding their body after birth.
How quickly can I reasonably shed the baby weight?
“Shedding baby weight is one of those things that’s on the back of most every new mom’s mind. While weight loss varies greatly from person to person, it is generally expected that you can lose around 10 lbs of baby weight per year. One great way to shed pounds is to breastfeed your baby. At St. Joseph’s, we are a certified Baby-Friendly hospital, which means we provide breastfeeding support to all of our new moms, and we help to educate them on the benefits of breastfeeding, one of which can be postpartum weight loss.”
What are the best ways to get rid of stretch marks?
“There are so many products on the market promising to get rid of stretch marks, but in my experience, one of the best remedies is time. Over time most stretch marks will fade on their own, however they may not completely go away. Creams and treatments may help to improve the appearance of stretch marks, but also are not likely to completely remove them.”
What can I do if I’m feeling those baby blues? Is this normal?
“While having a baby can be one of the most joyous times in a woman’s life, it can also be one of the most challenging. At St. Joseph’s, we screen all of our new moms for signs of post-partum depression, and communicate closely with their doctors to help support their mental wellbeing. If a new mom is battling the baby blues, I absolutely recommend reaching out to their doctor or a mental health professional for help.”