A hot new trend in home décor is proving to be fashion forward and beneficial for your home! “Garden Walls” add a pop of color, improve air quality, reduce noise levels and energy costs, and are just gorgeous! You may have noticed this new trend decking the wall of your favorite Happy Hour hot spot or populating your Pinterest feed. This sustainable innovation is perfect for your home or office, turning any dreary room into a sweet little rainforest oasis. Whether you decide to purchase or build your wall, you can choose to have it freestanding or mounted. Size is another thing to consider. Make an out-of-this-world impression with a large vertical planter occupying an entire living room wall, or keep it simple with a small hanging garden in your kitchen perfect for fresh live herbs.
Your chosen location and size also affect the types of plants able to grow on your Garden Wall. Light metering plays a huge part, so be sure to observe the intensity and length of light hitting your future green wall. Plants that vine and drape as they grow are the most aesthetically pleasing within the wall. For this effect, find some Pothos. Also known as “Devil’s Ivy”, pothos are considered to be one of the easiest houseplants, tolerant of low light conditions and erratic watering schedules. And, they are serious indoor air purifiers! Another great choice is the Lipstick Plant. Similar to the pothos, the lipstick plant cascades and is low fuss. This plant will also add a burst of color with its burgundy bottom and striking red flowers that emerge from black calyces throughout the year. Now, on to creation! A small, simple Garden Wall is a great way to start, as opposed to jumping into a pricey, largescale installment. There are a few ways to create a DIY wall; I’ve found the simplest to be the frame method. Since you’ve already selected your wall, now is the time to decide on an exact size. After measuring, create your frame and line it with a sheet of plastic for water retention. Next, attach a layer of felt to the frame–the felt will serve as the foundation on which your plants will live and grow. Felt is perfect because it will allow the roots to grow through while holding water. A proper irrigation system is the most crucial aspect of the Garden Wall. You can create this yourself by lining a tube across the top of your frame, or consult an expert for easy installation. Once all of those aspects are in place, you can begin to plant your chosen greenery, hang, and enjoy!