nailed itWhether you’re looking to save money, time or become an expert of your own, there’s a lot to love about an at home manicure. Though many enjoy the luxury of the nail spa experience, it can be an expensive habit, and with our busy schedules it’s often hard to block out enough time for an appointment. DIY mani enthusiasts swear by the relaxing qualities of the process, and the satisfaction of nailing it!

nailed it SIDEBAR -- -- USEWe in San Joaquin have easy access to designer products thanks to Sir Gauuan’s Beauty Supply in Stockton. Manger Lorie Williams says having all the right tools is essential for a successful and safe at home manicure. Tools include a nail trimmer, cuticle nipper, file, polish and remover, cuticle oil, cotton balls, Q-tips, any specialty products for your specific nail needs, and disinfectant spray to ensure all of your tools are sanitary.
Access to these designer tools, and polish brands like OPI and Morgan Taylor allow for OOTD color coordination on the fly, with their array of bright and ever-changing seasonal hues for your at home manicure.

For those with sensitive nails, Lorie suggests OPI’s Nail Envy, a clear polish treatment available in different formulas for specific needs, like soft or brittle nails. “It not only strengthens the nail, but prevents chipping!” she adds.  The treatment is also formaldehyde free, an aspect Lorie says is important in all nail product ingredients. “Formaldehyde in polish and treatments actually dehydrate the nail, causing it to snap,” she explains. “So always check that your products are formaldehyde free!”

Another insider tip applies to cuticle care. It is crucial to always apply cuticle oil before tending to hang nails and cuticles; the oil softens the cuticle and prevents ripping. After oil application, always use a pusher tool to push the cuticle, that is against your nail bed, toward your cuticle line. Lorie shares a common misconception, explaining that what you see being nipped quickly at the nail salon is not the top of your cuticle, but the underneath. “Never cut the cuticle connected to the skin,” she says. “You nip what is left once the cuticle is pushed back, and this is typically found underneath the actual cuticle.” Lorie also stresses the importance of using the correct tool to cut your cuticles, a nipper. “Never use nail clippers, they will rip and tear the cuticle, leaving hang nails!”
Now, on to polish application! For those of us left with an awesome looking left hand, and a horribly painted right… we’re here for you! “It’s all about how much nail polish you apply,” explains Lorie. She suggests very thin layers opposed to the globs we often find ourselves applying. “That’s where we tend to mess up,” Lorie laughs. “Instead, do three or four very thin strokes for each layer you apply.”

Once you’ve mastered your mani and find yourself wishing it would last forever, Lorie steps in again, with CND Vinylux, a top coat that keeps polish
on up to seven days! Yes, ladies, that is right…an entire week!

Now that you’re educated and empowered, join the at-home-mani team for its calming effects, its color coordination capabilities, and the overall satisfaction felt when someone compliments your nails….


Get these products:

sir gauuan’s Superhair Salon & Beauty Supply

1209 W. March Ln., Stockton

(209) 957-4244 /